Creating an e-book first requires defining:

  • The Stakeholders

  • The Mission

  • Key KPIs

  • End Users


It all starts with an idea...

E-books are a great way to position your company as thought leaders. We can help you brainstorm an idea that will resonate with your target market or bring your idea to life.

Before beginning any writing, we will flesh out this idea into a rough outline.


The Writing and Editing Process

We will conduct all the interviews and research, creating an expanded outline. This will undergo a review and iteration process with key stakeholders.

From there, we will begin writing. There will be three reviews to get feedback from key. stakeholders and iterate, ensuring all parties will be thrilled with the final copy.



Once the copy is finalized, we will begin the layout process. This is normally done in Adobe In-Design. We can provide the fonts and graphics or use your selections.

The layout will get two reviews with key stakeholders (if needed) before delivering the final product.


Publishing the Final Product

We can help you publish the final product online, including behind a web form to collect contact information or a paywall. We would be happy to help you create a marketing campaign around the launch, including social posts, digital advertising, podcasts, or webinars.

Contact us to learn more.